Black History Month

Whiteness and Race Equality Network in Sport

The Whiteness and Race Equality Network is hosting a webinar on Thursday 29 October 2020

The Whiteness and Race Equality Network is hosting a webinar on Thursday 29 October 2020 (6-7.30pm) to examine the mental health of black coaches during Covid-19.

bhmThis webinar aims to discuss the changes needed in coach education and the race competences to empower black and Asian coaches to be represented in senior coaching positions.

The session will also examine the legal and structural changes needed to address race injustice in employment in coaching and management, and the safeguarding changes  needed to support the mental health of Black and Asian coaches during the period of Covid-19.

For further details on the webinar, please click here

To register, please click here

Who are the Whiteness and Race Equality Network?

Work on race equality has traditionally focused on the lived experience of being black in terms of mental health and diagnosis. But for co-production to stand any chance of success, understanding has to be two-way, especially in relation to coproduction: we need to understand the lived experience of being white alongside and in equal partnership with the lived experience of being black. This is the aim of The Race Equality and Whiteness Network in the Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice. It was set up following a conference at St Catherine’s College in October 2016.

You can find out more about the Whiteness and Race Equality Network here