Interested In Becoming A Wildcats Centre?
Wildcats Centres have been delivered across London over the past three years with a huge number of girls participating to date.
The centres have been run by grassroots football clubs, School Sport Partnerships and private football providers, providing girls aged 5-11 years old with an opportunity to play football in girls only environments, with emphasis on fun, friendship and enjoyment.
And now, you have the chance to join them, as you will soon be able to apply to become one of our fantastic Wildcats centres!
The sessions take place on a weekly basis, for a minimum of 1 hour in a safe environment where girls with no football experience can; have fun engaging with sport, develop fundamental skills, try a variety of sessions, learn new things and create foundations for a lifelong love of sport.
To help deliver your Wildcats Centre you will receive:
- £900 of funding over TWO years
- Kit and equipment
- Coach Training & Support Workshops at London FA
- Wildcats Coach Mentor visits to help support your coaches
- Access to Wildcats Festivals
- Promotional assets
- Much more
London FA is now starting our 2020 recruitment of Wildcats Centres, and we would like to invite your Clubs and Organisations from across the capital, to join our Wildcats Centre programme and provide opportunities for girls to play football in your local community and area.
On the link below is more information on the programme and what criteria is required from clubs.
If you’re interested in becoming a Wildcats Centre, please contact Aquila Burgess, Football Development Manager at London FA, via
Welcome to Wildcats Guidance 2019/2020
The application window for Wildcats Centres is now open. Once approved to become a Wildcats centre you will receive funding, kit, equipment and everything you need to run your sessions. You will also receive training on how to deliver your Wildcats centre.