DBS Verification Update - 02/12/20
The latest on DBS verification checks in London.
As of 2nd December, DBS ID verification will be able to resume following Covid-19 Guidelines.
The previously issued 3.11 guidance hosted within section 3 of www.TheFA.com safeguarding pages, available here, is being amended to reflect the current datelines however the main principles remain in place. Please note:
- The only individuals granted a 12-month extension to their DBS were those requiring renewal from 1 March to 1 October 2020.
- Any individual requiring an in-date DBS check and who’s DBS check had expired before 1 March 2020 or, after 1 October 2020, is required to renew this before taking part in unsupervised regulated activity.
- Any individual requiring an in-date DBS check must have this in place prior to undertaking their role in any unsupervised regulated activity.