
Online Workshops on International Day of People with Disabilities

Join London FA and Middlesex FA for a day of online workshops, to celebrate International Day of People with Disabilities on 3 December 2020.

3 December is International Day of People With Disabilities.

International Day of People with Disabilities is an annual occasion designated to join together to support people with disability in our communities, and raise awareness of the importance of creating a future where people with disabilities experience equal opportunity and face no barriers in all aspects of their lives, whether it be going about their day-to-day lives with adequate accessibility in their communities, joining the workforce, or being able to showcase their abilities and reach their goals without facing barriers.


Whether you are a club, coach, referee, teacher, player or disabled people’s organisation, Let’s Get Inclusive will give you the opportunity to participate in one or more of our workshops throughout the day, delivered by London FA, Middlesex FA and specialist partner organisations.

Please email conor.mcbrearty@londonfa.com if you are interested in getting involved with any of the online zoom workshops below on 3 December to up-skill your knowledge on disability football. 

Disabled people are twice as likely to be to less active than non-disabled people, and with four in five disabled people wanting to be more active its critical to understand how we can empower more disabled people to take part in physical activity.

Whether you are a club, coach, referee, teacher, player or disabled people’s organisation, Let’s Get Inclusive will give you the opportunity to participate in one or more of our workshops throughout the day, delivered by London FA, Middlesex FA and specialist partner organisations.


10am – 11am: ‘Let’s Get Involved’

An informative workshop with disability football officers from London FA and Middlesex FA to talk through what opportunities are available for disabled people and how clubs and organisations can support and grow disability football in your county. Topics of conversation include;

  • Creating disability affiliated teams and recreational sessions
  • Overview of disability leagues
  • Workforce opportunities – coaching and refereeing
  • Disability Focus Groups
  • Pledge Campaign

Aimed at: Disabled people, clubs/coaches, schools/ teachers, disabled people’s organisations, parents/carers.

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11am – 12am: ‘Let’s Get Mental Health Aware’

Run by Mind Harrow, this introductory workshop will give attendees insight to the mental health umbrella with a particular focus around wellbeing and how we can and support others to build emotional health and resilience. Additionally, the workshop will look at our ability and capacity to cope during change, and work through coping strategies.

Aimed at: Disabled people, clubs/coaches, schools/teachers, referees, disabled people’s organisations, parents/carers.

Mind Harrow

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12pm – 1pm: ‘Let’s Get Informed’ – Inclusion Panel

Join London FA, Middlesex FA, Wheelchair Football Association, CP Sport, Sense and Southwark Stars FC in discussions around disability football and sport. We will be discussing everything around inclusion, barriers and change. Attendees have the opportunity to raise any questions to the panel and discuss those all-important conversations around disability and sport.

Aimed at: Disabled people, clubs/coaches, schools/teachers, referees, disabled people's organisations, parents/carers.

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2pm – 3pm: ‘Let’s Get Disability Aware’ – Disability Awareness in Sport

Run by Disability Sports Coach, this short introductory course is ideal for sports coaches, teachers, volunteers and anyone working wanting to become more knowledgeable about working with disabled people.

  • Learn about the STEPS model in helping adapt sports activity for disabled people.
  • Feel more confident about using appropriate language and terminology.
  • Identify different ways of communicating during sports sessions.

Following the workshop, attendees can find out how to access the full training course https://disabilitysportscoach.co.uk/training-workshops/

Aimed at: Clubs/coaches, schools/teachers, disabled people's organisations, parents/carers.

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3pm – 4pm – ‘Let’s Get Playing’

Get some comfortable shoes on and play a bit of football. QPR will be running a virtual coaching session for attendees, whilst you have them find out about what disability/ inclusive football sessions they are currently running and join a club!

Aimed at: Disabled people (family/friends welcome).

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4pm – 5pm – ‘Let’s Get Refereeing’

Whether you are a referee interested in refereeing disability football or a disabled person interested in becoming a referee, Middlesex FA’s workforce development officer will talk you through everything you need to know.

Aimed at: Disabled people, referees, disabled people's organisations, parent/carers.

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5pm – 6pm – ‘Let’s Get Coaching’

Delivered by London FA and Middlesex FA coach development officers, we will give you an introduction to coaching disability football and how we support disabled people to become coaches.

Aimed at: Disabled people, coaches, disabled people's organisations, parents/carers.

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6pm – 7.30pm – ‘Let’s Get New Talent’ – Talent ID

If you provide football activities whether that be in school, at your organisation or in a club, Sports Consultant Jon Whittingham will give you all the tools to spot inspiring players who may be eligible for the national impairment talent pathway.

Aimed at: Clubs/coaches, referees, school/teachers, disabled people's organisations.

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