London FA Teams Up With The Coaches Link
London FA have partnered with The Coaches Link, a new online platform which aim to improve and expand the links between coaches and club.
The platform allows users to search for exactly the right coach to fill a position or find the perfect next job opportunity to develop.
Visit and register to the site. It is FREE, easy to do and will mean you can start positing jobs on the site in preparation for the site launch!
Create your club profile and tell members about your club, share videos and your social media outlets. Posting jobs is quick, easy and FREE. Simply fill out the required fields and hit POST. Your job will then be seen by all our member coaches and applications can be made.
The Coaches Link offer a featured job post option, which cost £10 for the life of the job. This means you will be at the top of the search function as well as receiving personalised social media post and emails advertising your available coaching role.
To find out more information and to sign up, check out The Coaches Link website here.