Disability at FA People’s Cup

IDPwD - London Inclusion Football League

London FA celebrates the opportunities on offer to disabled players across the capital.

London Inclusion Football League has now been set up as a new umbrella organisation which incorporates the main disability leagues working together.

The three leagues in question in the partnership with London FA will continue to support 33 teams in London and engaging close to 400 players with disabilities throughout London.

The leagues that will work together under the London Inclusion Football League and continue the amazing work they do to support people with disabilities. The London

Inclusion League is now a sanctioned league in which the 3 organisations sit under as divisions.

The organisations are as follows:

1) South London Grassroots Football League

The league was formed in 2010 by NHS Mental Health professionals keen to allow their clients to play competitive football against other teams and trusts in London. The league obtained FA affiliation and its first season was in 2010/11.


2) The South London Special League

South London Special League is a unique award-winning registered charity that provides opportunities for disabled people in South London, male and female, to improve their lives through participation in competitive sport on a regular basis. The organisation was launched in 2004 to provide a competitive football league for young disabled people and in so doing to break down the social and environmental barriers to inclusion. This successful formula has been used to open up a wider range of sports to our diverse disabled community of all ages.


3) North London Special League

The North London Special League is a partnership between the Camden Sport & Physical Activity service, the All in Islington project and the London FA for the development of disability football in London. Sessions run on a monthly basis to allow for a greater number of teams and increased level of competition for all teams involved. The league venue is Market Road Pitches in Islington and games are played on an astro-turf pitch. League days take place on the third or fourth Sunday of every month from 2-4pm. To enter the league or for more information please email NLSL01@outlook.com

The new London Inclusion Football League committee has been set-up and comprises of 6 members but we are open to more people getting involved. The committee are working on getting sponsor for the umbrella league and also to brand the league more effectively. The League are also looking at setting up a female, youth and college leagues within London and are currently working with partners.

Please contact Conor McBrearty who is the League Secretary via Conor.Mcbrearty@LondonFA.com if you are interested in getting involved with committee, sponsoring the league or supporting the league is any way you can.