Update on London FA Staffing - 8 January 2021
As in previous lockdowns, to safeguard the financial stability of the business London FA will be furloughing a number of staff as of Monday 11 January.
We will be furloughing 7 members of staff full-time, with 5 staff members working part-time and 8 staff members not furloughed. Arrangements are set out below, with phone lines open between 10am and 2pm on Mondays and Tuesdays only:
Full-Time Furloughed Staff unavailable to contact:
Jamaal Horne (Cups and Competitions Officer)
Aquila Burgess (Football Development Manager)
Hugh Gilroy (Head of Workforce)
Amanda Lewis (Football Development Officer)
Alex Wilson (Workforce Administrator)
Neil Fowkes (Course Co-Ordinator)
Nicholas Wright (Referee Officer)
Part-time Furlough Staff working in the business 2-3 days a week:
Carl Long (Discipline Officer)
Isabella Borg (Discipline Officer)
Conor McBrearty (Disability Officer)
Alex Burke (Delivery Administrator)
Shannon Hyner (Coaching Administrator)
Non-Furloughed Staff:
Paul Bickerton (CEO)
Roya Taslimi (Finance Manager)
Neil Twitchett (Head of Delivery)
Priti Trivedi (Head of Football Services)
Nikeeta Patel (Designated Safeguarding Officer)
Jake Rosewell (Designated Safeguarding Officer)
Jordan Crichlow (Football Services Administrator)
Frank Mundy (Student Intern Workforce)
Working days will be placed on staff out-of-office emails and we will be covering our email management and phone systems throughout the week.
For details on how to contact the office please click here
These temporary staffing arrangements will be reviewed on a weekly basis but are likely to remain in place until grassroots football activities are back up and running. We all very much hope that will be sooner rather than later and want to thank you for your patience and understanding at what is a difficult time for us is all.