Ramadan and Grassroots Football

Be ready for affiliation next season

London FA are pleased to announce that Club Affiliation for 2022/23 season will open to clubs from Monday 16th May 2022

London FA are pleased to announce that Club Affiliation for 2022/23 season will open to clubs from Monday 16th May 2022. With this in mind, we have put together some information that will be useful as you prepare to complete your club affiliation.
In the week commencing 16th May, club secretaries can expect to receive an email from a member of staff at London FA, who will be their main contact and support throughout the affiliation process. This email will contain our new affiliation guide and a detailed step by step checklist to help guide you through the process. 
To keep costs as low as possible for our clubs, we are pleased to offer the following:
• For the sixth season running, we have not raised our affiliation fees*.
• Public Liability Insurance will also be staying the same.
• Prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our insurance provider increased    Personal Accident Insurance for both Youth and Adult teams slightly. Throughout the pandemic we were able to negotiate a 23% reduction in these costs; however, we can now confirm they have returned to pre-pandemic levels.
*Please note that the significant discounts offered throughout the COVID-19 pandemic no longer apply. It is also important to highlight that due to the significant and unprecedented rises in the cost of living, this is the final season that we will be able to freeze our affiliation fees. Club should expect an increase to these costs from the 2023-24 season onwards. 
How should we get ready?
Before starting the affiliation process all clubs should:
• Ensure all outstanding invoices from this season are paid. You will not be able to complete your affiliation without these being paid.
• Ensure all player suspensions from last season have been assigned fixtures (unless the suspension is carrying over to next season). If you need any help, please click here or contact discipline@londonfa.com
• Once you have finished your season, we strongly encourage all clubs to access their Club Portal account and detach any players that are no longer part of your club. Any questions or support please contact PlayerReg@londonfa.com and we can help.
• This year your club can apply for England Football Accreditation as part of your affiliation, with the help of your dedicated member of staff. For information and how to apply online click here or contact Development@LondonFA.com.
Youth Clubs
• Check all managers/coaches have an in-date FA DBS, have an in-date Safeguarding for Children qualification and are listed on the Club Portal. This is to make sure you are compliant. 
• Check all mandatory officials are remaining in place (Secretary, Chairman, Treasurer and Welfare Officer).
• Check all mandatory officials (Secretary, Chairman, Treasurer and Welfare Officer) have completed the Safeguarding for Committee Members course.
• Check that the Welfare Officer also has the other mandatory qualifications (FA Safeguarding for Children and Welfare Officer Courses, and have an in-date FA DBS.
If you require any support with DBSs, please email safeguarding@londonfa.com.
Adult Clubs with U18 players
*For the 2022/23 season, it is also mandatory that all adult clubs whereby there is at least 1 player under the age of 18 registered to play, has an appointed Club Welfare Officer who has completed the Welfare Officer Course, has an in-date FA DBS and completed the Safeguarding for All Course. Please make sure your coaches/manager have an in-date FA DBS and have completed the Safeguarding for All.
Where to access the safeguarding training?
As a reminder all safeguarding courses can now be completed online, and the list of courses can be found here.
Guidance on how to access the Committee Members Safeguarding course can be found here.
The Safeguarding Children Course can be found here, this is now completed online. If you already have a Safeguarding for Children qualification but it has expired you can recertified online click here.
The Welfare Officer Course can be found here, please make sure you book onto the first available course as these fill up very quickly.
How do we complete our affiliation?
The affiliation process should be completed via the Whole Game System and will be open from 16th May. For existing clubs, the affiliation forms will already be populated in the system and you will be able to login and simply edit details that have changed from the season before.
When using Whole Game System your application does not have to be completed in one go. You can always save your progress and come back to it later, which can be particularly useful if you are a large club.
What if we are a new club?
If you are a new club, you will need to complete our new club form here.
We will then add you to the system and provide you with your login details for the Whole Game System ready for when our affiliation window opens.
We are here to help. If you have any questions or need some advice, please email development@londonfa.com and a member of staff will be happy to assist you.

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