Introduction to First Aid in Football - Extension
Coaches whose Introduction to First Aid in Football (IFAiF) has expired between 1 February 2020 and 31 July 2021 will have an extension applied on their FAN records through until 31 AUGUST 2021.
Communication will go direct out to learners concerned the week commencing Monday 3 August from FA Education.
The London FA is working with The FA on the implications of the return to grassroots football for the delivery of all coach education courses, including Emergency First Aid. There are number of important improvements being planned for the delivery of coach education in future, so for now all courses remain postponed.
We would ask learners to be patient whilst we resolve this situation with The FA as quickly as possible. Learners who have already booked onto courses will be contacted directly regarding its status.
If you have any further questions, please email our Coaching Education team at